Prof. Sture Andersson, MD, PhD
Department of Neonatology
University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland
Prof. John N. van den Anker, MD, PhD
Pediatric Pharmacology, University of Basel
Basel, Switzerland
Children's National Medical Center
Washington, DC, USA
Prof. Eduardo Bancalari, MD
Division of Neonatology
Jackson Memorial Medical Center
Miami, USA
Prof. Eugenio Baraldi, MD
Women´s and Children´s Health Department
University of Padova
Padova, Italy
Prof. Christoph Bührer, MD
Department of Neonatology
Charité University Medical Center
Berlin, Germany
Prof. Robert Carr, MD
Department of Haematology
St. Thomas Hospital
London, UK
Prof. Tore Curstedt, MD, PhD
Karolinska University Laboratory
Karolinska University Hospital
Stockholm, Sweden
Prof. Gabriel Dimitriou, MD, PhD
Paediatric Department-NICU-PICU
University General Hospital of Patras
Patras, Greece
Prof. A. David Edwards, MA, DSc, FRCP
Centre for the Developing Brain
King’s College London
London, UK
Dr. Kirsten Glaser, MD
Department of Pediatrics
University of Leipzig
Leipzig, Germany
Dr. Rangmar Goelz, MD
Department of Neonatology
University Hospital Tübingen
Tübingen, Germany
Prof. Johannes B. van Goudoever, MD
Emma Children’s Hospital
Amsterdam UMC
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Joseph Haddad, MD
Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care
Saint George University Hospital
Beirut, Lebanon
Prof. Nadja Haiden MD, Msc
Department of Clinical Pharmacology
Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
Prof. Henry L. Halliday, MD, FRCP, FRCPE
Royal Maternity Hospital
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Prof. Mikko Hallman, MD, PhD
Department of Pediatrics
University of Oulu
Oulu, Finland
Prof. Thor W.R. Hansen, MD, PhD, FAAP
Institute of Clinical Medicine
University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway
Prof. Dr. Christoph Härtel, MD
University Children’s Hospital
University of Würzburg
Würzburg, Germany
Prof. Dominique Haumont, MD
Neonatal Unit
Saint-Pierre University Hospital
Brussels, Belgium
Prof. William W. Hay, Jr., MD
Children’s Hospital Colorado
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Denver, USA
Prof. Ann Hellström, MD, PhD
The Queen Silvia Children´s Hospital
Sahlgrenska Academy
Gothenburg, Sweden
Prof. Helmut D. Hummler, MD, MBA
Department of Neonatology
University Hospital Tübingen
Tübingen, Germany
Prof. Iman F. Iskander Boulos, MD
Department of Pediatrics
Cairo University
Cairo, Egypt
Prof. Boris W. Kramer, MD, PhD
Department of Pediatric Research
Maastricht University Medical Center
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Prof. Arunas Liubsys, MD
Neonatal Center
Vilnius University
Vilnius, Lithuania
Setyadewi Lusyati, MD, PhD
High Risk Perinatal - Neonatal Unit
Harapan Kita Women and Children’s Hospital
Jakarta, Indonesia
Prof. Neil Marlow, MD, FRCP, FRCPCH
Faculty of Population Health Sciences
University College London
London, UK
Linda J. van Marter, MD, MPH
Department of Pediatrics
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, USA
Prof. Richard J. Martin, MD
Neonatal Research
Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital
Cleveland, USA
Prof. Neena Modi, MD, FRCP, FRCPE
Imperial College London
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Campus
London, UK
Henner Morbach, MD
University Children’s Hospital
University of Würzburg
Würzburg, Germany
Prof. Rory E. Morty, MD
Department of Translational Pulmonology
Heidelberg University Hospital
Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. N. Karthik Nagesh MD, FRCPCH
Department of Neonatology
Manipal Hospitals
Bangalore, India
Prof. Michael Obladen, MD
Charité University Medicine
Berlin, Germany
Prof. Eren Özek, MD
Division of Neonatology
Marmara University Medical Faculty
Istanbul, Turkey
Prof. Won Soon Park, MD, PhD
Samsung Medical Center
Sungkyunkwan University
Seoul, Korea
Prof. Arjan B. te Pas, MD, PhD
Division of Neonatology
Leiden University Medical Centre
Leiden, The Netherlands
Prof. Ranjan Kumar Pejaver, MD, FRCPI
Meenakshi Hospitals
Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences
Bangalore, India
Prof. Natella Rakhmanina, MD, PhD
HIV Services & Special Immunology
The George Washington University
Washington D.C., USA
Prof. Rangasamy Ramanathan MD, FAAP
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Peter Rimensberger, MD
Pediatric and Neonatal ICU
University Hospital of Geneva
Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Charles Christoph Roehr, MD
Nat. Perin. Epid. Unit, University of Oxford
Southmead Hospital, University of Bristol
Oxford / Bristol, UK
Prof. Ola D. Saugstad, MD, PhD, FRCPE
Department of Pediatric Research
The National Hospital
Oslo, Norway
Prof. Eric S. Shinwell, MD, FRCPE
Ziv Medical Center
Bar-Ilan University
Tsfat, Israel
Prof. Dominique Singer, MD
Center for Obstetrics and Pediatrics
University Medical Center Eppendorf
Hamburg, Germany
Prof. Rebeccah Slater, MD
Department of Paediatrics
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
Prof. José Maria Solano, MD
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Clinica Materno-Infantil Colsubsidio
Bogotá, Colombia
Prof. Christian P. Speer, MD, FRCPE
University Children’s Hospital
University of Würzburg
Würzburg, Germany
David G. Sweet, MD
Regional Neonatal Unit
Royal Maternity Hospital
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Prof. Bernard Thébaud, MD, PhD
Department of Pediatrics
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Canada
Prof. Hendrik A. Verder, MD
Department of Pediatrics
Holbæk Hospital
Holbæk, Denmark
Prof. Linda de Vries, MD, PhD
Department of Pediatrics
Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Prof. Clyde Wright, MD
Perinatal Research Center
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Denver, USA
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Zemlin, MHBA
Dept. for General Pediatrics and Neonatology
Saarland University Hospital
Homburg, Germany